John Forbes Nash, 84 years old, he was born in Bluefield, 13 of june of 1928. Is a famous mathematical, he was a "Nobel Prinze in Economics", he has that for his ideals about the life, with his theory about the games...
This man is also famous, because he wrote one thesis with just 30 pages, in his thesis he talks about the balance, equilibrium... The theory can be called "
The theory of games" or "The balance of Nash.
This theory says that if every player wants win without his friends, finally every person will lose, however if every player wants to win with the help of his friends, finally, all players will win.
In conclusion, if people think about other people and the others tihnk also about people, all persons will be happy. The most important thing is that the persons, we have to know listen other opinions apart of ours.
Finalle hand, speaking about the film "A beautiful mind", this film was based in the life of Nash, when he was younger, he just read books and no more... The people were thought that he was tupid,
whereas he is intelligent.