My redaction is about the use of the mobile, because lately the mobiles are being a big problem for the society. The teenagers have the mobile all day, while the parents are saying that, they have to leave the mobile and speak with them.

I think like teenager I am, that in part is true. Usually we are with the mobile, speaking with our friends or on Internet in famous web pages like
Twitter, Instagram… But also the parents are so boring, also I think that the parents are so exagerador.
Now the mobiles have all, apps for all, for entertaining, for speak with our friends, games… And this is why we have the mobile all day. But no only the teenager, also the adults, although at best is for his job.

Personally, I would like that the people leave the mobile when are on
meals or with friends, because now in the society, have a lot of people that have the mobile when stays with other people. I would like that the mobile was used only when you stays alone, no with friends or family.
If we continue with this, the finally will be
dreadful, because there is no communication.